How’s Your Water Heater?

Posted by admin on Oct 26, 2013 in Troubleshooting, Water Heaters

Is your water heater keeping up with your hot water needs?  Do you need to turn up the temperature just to get a minimal amount of warm water?  Do you have staining or rust on the outside of your heater?  Is your gas water heater having a difficult time staying lit?  It may be time to replace your water heater.  We have the expertise to replace your old water heater with a new one.  We can also help you decide if you would like to upgrade to a larger heater, or a more efficient heater, or an on-demand heater to help fit your changing lifestyle.


Problems With Your Water or Sewer Line?

Posted by admin on Sep 14, 2013 in Water Lines

Are you having problems with your water or sewer line?  Do you have an old failing line or have roots growing through it?  Now is the time to repair it before the rain and snow come.  A soggy yard can add pressure to the line and give you a surprise you don’t want to deal with at the holidays.  If the line breaks from the meter to the street, it is the city’s responsibility.  If it breaks from the meter to your home, though, it is up to you to have it repaired.  No one wants to deal with a broken sewer on Thanksgiving!  Give us a call now!  We have the equipment and expertise to inspect your line, so you can avoid any unpleasant surprises!


Want Hot Water Faster?

Posted by admin on Aug 25, 2013 in Troubleshooting

Are you tired of waiting an extended period of time for your water to heat up so you can shower or wash your face or wash the dishes?  A hot water recirculation system solves that problem.  It keeps hot water circulating, so you have instant hot water throughout your house.  Not only is it very convenient, ask yourself how much money are you losing with all that water going down the drain?


When the Drano Isn’t Working Anymore!

Posted by admin on Jul 28, 2013 in Troubleshooting

Do you have a slow clearing drain or clogged drain that you have tried to clear with Drano?  Did it work for a while and then clog right back up?  Or did it do almost nothing at all?  Give us a call!  We have the trained technicians and the right equipment to identify what is clogging your drain and get your water draining quickly again!


It’s Time for a Hot/Cold Hose Bib!

Posted by admin on Jun 29, 2013 in Uncategorized

Summer is here, and it’s time to fill the kid’s pool…and wash the car and maybe the dog.  Is it time to consider installing a hot/cold hose bib?  A hot/cold hose bib is an easy way to instantly give you a comfortable water temperature for all your outdoor tasks without having the hassle of carrying buckets of boiling water in and out of the house.  Kill the chill in the kid’s pool and make your dog happy; install a hot/cold hose bib today!

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