Posted by admin on Jul 16, 2012 in
Do you want to do more than just upgrade your fixtures or do a standard remodel? Do you want a room to showcase your personality, provide a unique look, or set your home apart? Pine Valley Plumbing, Inc. has decades of experience helping homeowners create custom plumbing systems. Take a look at a recently installed shower in an equestrian center with a little western flair. Not only did it provide a focal point for the barn bathroom, it added a touch of whimsy. Call us today to see what we can do to set your home apart!

Unique Shower for an Equestrian Center
Posted by admin on Jun 12, 2012 in
Times are tough and budgets tight, so it only makes sense to try to save a little money, right? Many people hire handymen instead of plumbers to try to save money. Handymen have a valued place in our economy, but should not be used to repair your plumbing. Plumbers go to school for four years initially and are then required to take continuing education courses throughout their careers. They not only possess greater knowledge, but they know the local and state building codes that handymen do not have to know. Plumbers are licensed and bonded to work on your plumbing; handymen are not and legally cannot perform plumbing work. Not only can the state board, the CCB, not help you if something goes wrong with a handyman, but you often have to hire a plumber anyway when the handyman does not have the knowledge to make the repair meaning you pay twice. For many people, their home is their biggest investment. Don’t put your home at risk. More damage is caused by water than by fire. Make sure the person working on your plumbing is a trained, licensed, and bonded journeyman plumber.
Posted by admin on May 26, 2012 in
Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service. First officially observed on May 30, 1868, it was marked by placing flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. It has since evolved into recognition of all Americans who have given their lives fighting for their country. No matter how you plan to celebrate your Memorial Weekend, take a moment to remember those who sacrificed everything to give us the freedoms we enjoy today.
Posted by admin on May 10, 2012 in
Water Lines
Are you noticing an unusual increase in your water bill without using any additional water? You expect your water bill to increase in the warmer months when you are watering your lawn or filling a swimming pool, but a large increase that cannot be explained may mean problems with your water line. A small crack in the line can leak under your lawn or driveway for some time before you see the effects of excess water above ground. In some instances, you never do. The city or water district may even contact you if they notice an unusual increase in activity, but don’t rely on a heads up. The sooner you detect the problem and repair it, the more money you keep in your pocket. Pine Valley Plumbing has the equipment and expertise to make the repair as quickly as possible with the least disruption to your yard and gardens.
Posted by admin on Apr 10, 2012 in
Do you live at the end of a water main or on the top of a hillside where you struggle with low water pressure? You can have the permitted limit for pressure, 15 lbs, and still feel like you have almost none. Quit struggling! Pressure booster pumps are relatively easy to install and can often be done in less that a day. In some cases, they can even be tied into your sprinkler system, and although it doesn’t feel like it yet, summer is just around the corner!